Room set up for Teaching and Events
Find out more about the Room Set Up Service

Waste Management and recycling
Find out more about Waste Management and Recycling on campus

Pest Control
Find out more about Pest control services
Find out more about Waste Management and Recycling on campus
The Campus Support team are responsible for the preparation and set up of rooms for all types of teaching and events. The University hosts a full calendar of student events from sporting fixtures, Exams, SU Events, Welcome events, International Global events, Open Days, Graduation events as well as everyday classroom set ups. The Campus Support team are responsible for the quick turn around of our spaces to ensure that they are set up for a variety of events.
The University also hosts events such as the annual Harold Wilson Lecture, Schools and Service Conferences, VIP lunches and dinners, charity events and community events, again Campus Support are key in the set up and set down of these events to ensure we have multipurpose space that can easily be accessed by all.
If you need to book a room set up then please log this on Estates online
The Campus Support team are responsible for the management of the Pest Control provider for both preventative and reactive pest issues. The University of Huddersfield understands the importance of pest control management in ensuring the holistic approach used to prevent and manage pest problems at acceptable levels through effective, economical, and environmentally sound methods.
The have outsources all pest management services through a third-party specialist who will ensure that all the requirements are met including the sourcing of pest control products used within campus. The nominated contractor holds the ISO 9001 and 4001 and are Planet Mark certified.
If you need to report a pest issue then please log this on Estates online
The maintenance of the University green space is managed by the Campus Support team. The professional and experienced grounds team work through all the seasons preparing and maintaining the grounds to provide a safe, healthy, attractive and enjoyable environment for the University campus. The team promote sustainable planting increasing biodiversity on Campus.
The teams work includes supporting Kirklees College Foundation students in gaining valuable work experience by working within the grounds, the projects the Kirklees college group have worked on included the staff and students allotments, the building of Bug hotels and various planting schemes across campus.
The Campus Support team keep the campus safe throughout the winter and procure a professional gritting company for the roads and car parks which supplements the teams who ensure campus is gritted and safe at all times during inclement weather.
If you need to report a grounds maintenance issue then please log this on Estates online
The Campus Support team deliver a safe, reliable and professional VIP Driving service for the University.
The team maintain and manage the Huddersfield Audi and drive the University’s VIPS and Guests as far afield as London including transfers from airports and stations. The VIP service is particularly busy around of Graduation events ensuring our Honoraries and other VIPs are where they should be.
If you need to book a VIP driving service then please get in touch via the VCO: - enquiriesvco@hud.ac.uk
Allan Butters: A.C.Butters@hud.ac.uk
The Campus Support Team collect and delivered over 4000 items last years, this included anything from print, waste and school items to the fashion awards in London. The diverse service has the capacity to collect and deliver most things within campus or external as required. The service includes the delivery and collection of furniture. The team support Schools, Services and our own Facilities and Estates teams in the collection and delivery of stock and resources during busy events such as Graduation, VIP Visits and other key University events.
If you need to book the collect and deliver service then please log this on Estates online