Indoor workplace temperatures

What are the legal maximum and minimum temperatures for indoor workplaces?

There are none. The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations require "during working hours, the temperature in all workplaces inside buildings shall be reasonable".

What is reasonable? Are there any guide figures?

The approved code of practice to the regulations identifies temperatures within 'workrooms' - a room where people normally work for more than short periods - should be at least 16ºC, or 13ºC where work involves severe physical effort.

Health and Safety Executive guidance identifies 30ºC as the upper temperature of an acceptable zone of thermal comfort for most people in the UK.

Are there any other factors to consider?

In addition to temperature, relative humidity (moisture content of the air) and ventilation (air movement and changes) will influence people's comfort within the workplace.

Low humidity can result in a dry atmosphere, which can lead to itchy eyes, dry throats. High humidity can make the body's natural reaction of cooling down (sweating) more difficult.

A lack of ventilation can result in workrooms becoming stuffy and air becoming stagnant. Ventilation can be achieved naturally (opening windows) or mechanically.

If there is a temperature or other working environment issue what should I do?

Make Estates aware through the help line on extension 2550.

During the summer months workrooms can become hot and stuffy, particularly those that have opening windows. What can be done during this period?

Simple measures can include:

Other methods to help people's comfort are: