
Nicola Walker

Enterprise Hub Manager

I’m happy to be contacted via email, telephone, or by popping into my office BIC2/19a – whatever the individual feels most comfortable with. 


01484 256766



Claire Round

Recruitment and Selection Manager

I’m based in the office most days, so I’m happy to be contacted over Teams or by email and can arrange to meet up at short notice. Or pop up to the office (SB6/44).



Sally Hobson

Campus Support Manager

Please give me a call or an email. I'd be happy to meet with you or just talk things through on the phone. I'm a great listener and can offer a good cuppa and hug if needed.


07715 633717


Linda Bedford

Course Operations and Assessment Assistant

Contact by email would be preferable, although dropping by the office (CS3/05a) would not be a problem, provided I was available to talk.



Gareth Bates

CLS Disability Support Advisor

The best way to contact me is usually via email/Teams, or in my office.

Library Disability Support Office – Schwann Building, Floor 4, Library


01484 258445


Lindsey Brooks

Graduate Teaching Assistant

I am based in Ramsden (R3/13) but I teach all over campus. When working from home, I'm happy to do a Teams call, just message me first.


01484 256106


Jemma Broomhead

Attendance and Retention Support Officer

I am happy to be contacted over teams, email or if you want to meet up, I am based in SJ1/07.


01484 258420


Natasha Reed

Technical Services Manager

I can be found in Joseph Priestly building (JPW3/27) and contacted either by Teams or ext 2173.  I am here to help for anyone across the University.


01484 256827