Left hand navigation

The left hand navigation is the main way for a user to navigate around the University website.

Screenshot of the standard left hand navigation

The left hand navigation is consistent across all web pages on the main site other than Research, Services to Business and the student and staff pages and should not be altered in any way.

The left hand navigation identifies the key areas that people access on the University website including: Coursefinder, Undergraduate, Postgraduate, International, Research, Services to Business, Former Students and About us.

The left hand navigation is there to ensure that users have a constant point of reference when they are navigating through the site and helps with the usability of the site.

Left-hand navigation with Undergraduate flyout navigation:

Screenshot of the left hand navigation with Undergraduate flyout navigation

Left hand navigation for Research:

Image of the left hand navigation for research

Left hand navigation for Services to Business:

Screenshot of the left hand navigation for Services to Business

There is little scope to amend the left hand navigation as the majority of the flyout menus are full, however if you think that something should be added to one of the menus, please contact hudsweb@hud.ac.uk.