Shining a spotlight on some of our latest researcher development opportunities and resources.

Early Career Researcher (ECR) mentoring

We are piloting a new mentoring programme for Early Career Researchers (ECRs) during the academic year 2023-24. This is a university-wide initiative, intended to complement (not replace) existing School-based and other mentoring activity. It provides a structured approach to programme administration and matching, primarily matching ECRs with mentors outside their own School.

Following mentor recruitment and mentee applications during late 2023, the programme launched in January 2024. Our mentor-mentee pairs are now working together for an initial six-month period from February to July 2024.

To find out more about ECR mentoring, please contact Alison Monkhouse (Academic Researcher Development Manager) 

SPARK workshops and ACCELERATE programme (2023-24)

SPARK workshops are a series of short online workshops covering a range of impact-themed topics – for example innovation, communication and interdisciplinary collaboration.

The ACCELERATE programme provides a structured development opportunity for academic researchers who wish to identify or are already exploring an opportunity for impact beyond academia. Participants are selected according to their role and potential to fully engage and apply the learning.

Both SPARK and ACCELERATE are being delivered for Huddersfield researchers during 2023-24 by Skillfluence, funded by the university’s UKRI Impact Acceleration Account (IAA) programme.


The Prosper career development portal provides a range of tools and resources to support career development for postdocs/early career researchers (and for managers of researchers who are supporting the development of others). The Prosper portal is free to use with no login required, but you can choose to register (still free) for enhanced functionality. You can watch a video giving an overview of the portal and its features on the Prosper homepage (scroll down for the video).