Differential Attainment
As part of the University's strategy map, we have a commitment towards reducing awarding gaps to zero. This means that students, irrespective of their background, are equally likely to attain good degree outcomes. Data from across the higher education sector indicate that some sections of the HE population are less likely to secure good degree outcomes; this includes students from diverse backgrounds, households with low income and differing entry qualifications.
The factors contributing to awarding gaps are complex, with a number of socio-economic impacts on individual students’ ability to study and succeed. HuDAP, The Huddersfield University Differential Attainment Project works with institutional data to identify where and how we can change our pedagogic approaches and interventions so that all students can benefit from the opportunities afforded by the transformational impacts of higher education and attain good degree outcomes.
The Differential Attainment project lead is Jarek Bryk.