LGBTQI+ Inclusion at The University of Huddersfield

Stonewall Workplace Equality Index


The University of Huddersfield has been consistently strong in the Stonewall Workplace Equality Index over a number of years, in recognition of its ongoing commitment to driving forward LGBTQI+ inclusion. Progressing from a Silver Award in 2023, to achieve a Stonewall Gold Award in 2024, as a Top 100 Employer in the UK, acknowledges the culmination of inclusive practices which have been developed in partnership with our LGBTQI+ Staff Network. The Gold Award demonstrates the University’s dedication to providing an inclusive, welcoming environment where LGBTQI+ staff and students have the freedom to bring their whole selves to work.


The Gold Award, Stonewall’s highest accolade, recognises organisations which exemplify best practice. Stonewall’s Top 100 Employers List 2024 is the UK’s leading ranking of employers from public, private and third sectors on how inclusive their workplaces are. By championing LGBTQI+ employees, the University also fosters a welcoming community where LGBTQI+ people can thrive as their true selves.

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Stonewall LGBTQ+ Inclusive Employer Gold Award 2024

The University of Huddersfield named in Stonewall’s Top 100 list for LGBTQ+ inclusive employers


The University of Huddersfield is incredibly proud to announce that it has achieved a prestigious Gold Award and been ranked within the top 100 Employers for the Stonewall Workplace Equality Index (WEI) 2024.  

Stonewall, Europe’s largest charity for lesbian, gay, bi, trans and queer rights, has launched its Top 100 Employers List, and the University of Huddersfield was recognised for its work on supporting LGBTQ+ staff to be themselves at work.

Stonewall’s Top 100 Employers 2024 list recognises exceptional employers who are committed to supporting their LGBTQ+ staff.  It is the UK’s leading ranking of employers from public, private and third sectors on how inclusive their workplaces are.  Creating inclusive environments makes the workplace safer and better for everyone – not just LGBTQ+ people. 

Over the past year, the University of Huddersfield has undertaken significant strides towards creating an inclusive working environment. The University is ranked 56th of employers in all sectors who took part – up from a ranking of 97 in 2023.

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Stonewall LGBTQ+ Inclusive Employer Top 100 2024

Trans Equality


The University of Huddersfield is committed to providing an inclusive and supportive environment for Trans Staff, including those who identify as non-binary, agender or gender-fluid. 

The following guidance is designed to provide Trans and Non-binary employees with information, guidance and support in relevant aspects of their employment at the University.


Gender-Neutral Toilets


Many of our toilets on our campus are gender specific but gender-neutral toilets are available in some University buildings for employees that prefer to use these. Gender-neutral changing rooms are available on level 2 in the Sports Centre. We appreciate that some trans people, including those who are non-binary prefer to use gender-neutral facilities. 

Gender neutral toilets can be found in the following places:


LGBTQI+ Staff Network


The University welcomes and supports the development of staff networks.  Our staff networks provide an opportunity for staff who share a protected characteristic to network, obtain peer support and share information.  They can also offer opportunities for staff to inform university policy on equality-related issues and topics. The networks are run by and for the members, with support from the University EDI Officer.  

Welcome to the Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans*, Queer and Intersex + (LGBTQI+) Staff Network.

The University of Huddersfield’s LGBTQI+ Staff Network was set up as a self-organising group in April 2018. The Network discussed and self-defined their name, with the acronym LGBTQI+, incorporating Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans*, Queer, and Intersex. 

LGBTQI Network Terms of Reference 2023

LGBTQI Network 2023 Vision

To find out more about this network including future meeting dates, please email or please feel free to contact Carson McCombe (Chair).



Be Brave with Language Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation

Pronouns Guidance

What does the rainbow lanyard mean to you?


Wearing a rainbow lanyard is a visible signal to the LGBTQI+ community that our campus is welcoming and inclusive and many colleagues around the University now wear a rainbow lanyard.  Staff from across the University tell us why they wear the rainbow lanyard and what it means to them.

Sally Hobson

Campus Support Manager

Wearing a rainbow lanyard is a visible signal to the LGBTQI+ community that our campus is welcoming and inclusive and many colleagues around the University now wear a rainbow lanyard. Staff from across the University tell us why they wear the rainbow lanyard.

Ruth Taylor

Head of HR

I feel it is important to wear the rainbow lanyard to show support for, and to help build, an open, supportive and inclusive environment and culture. It is a visible sign of the values that the University of Huddersfield represents.

Christian McGrath

People & Organisational Development

By wearing my lanyard with pride around the campus, I hope that I can show others the University of Huddersfield supports fellow LGBTQI+ colleagues and students.

Victoria Robinson

HR Manager

For me, my rainbow lanyard demonstrates the support I have for colleagues, students and visitors who identify as LGBTQI+. It is a celebration of the diversity of our University campus and wider community and I wear it with pride.

Natalie Plows

HR Manager

For me the rainbow lanyard celebrates the sexual and gender diversity of our staff and students. Working in HR it serves as a reminder that the diversity of staff can only be an asset which should be recognised and celebrated!

Andrew Jenkins

Principle Lecturer

The rainbow lanyard symbolizes that we, as LGBTQI+ people, are proud of who we are. It is a symbol of hope, pride and love. It demonstrates that we are an open, tolerant and forward-thinking institution.

A banner showing logos for EDI related awards