CMI Level 7 SLP Unit 714 - Personal and Professional Development for Strategic Leaders - Tools and Models

Who is this course aimed at?

CMI Programme Participants
Senior Leadership Programme Participants

What is this course about?

This course will offer comprehensive guidance on strategic leadership models and tools included in the assessed module "Unit 714 - PPD for Strategic Leaders." We will have ample opportunity to explore the assignment expectations, discuss the behaviours and skills essential for strategic leaders, and address any questions participants may have about the assignment.
Our discussions will focus on the models relevant to this module, ensuring participants can apply them appropriately. Guidance will also be provided on creating professional development plans.

Details of any pre-course/programme requirements

Pre-course questionnaire to be send in the week before the course.


Here is what you can expect by attending this course:
  • Develop comprehensive professional development plans tailored to individual goals.
  • Identify and discuss the behaviours and skills required for effective strategic leadership.
  • Understand and apply different reflective processes in answering the questions in this strategic leadership assessment.

Booking info:

11 February 2025 13:45 - 16:00 Places Remaining
19 February 2025 09:00 - 11:30 Places Remaining
24 February 2025 13:30 - 16:00 Places Remaining

You can book your place on one of the courses above or add yourself to the waiting list using the "Book your place" button above.

Please note, if you experience difficulty in connecting to the waiting list, please log into MyHR separately and then click "Book your place" again. You can also contact if you require further assistance.

Don't have access to MyHR?

If you do not have access to MyHR (i.e. you may be an Affiliate) please email confirming your full name, the name of the course you would like to attend (and date of course if applicable) and the School/Service that you work for.

Attendee Details


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