Campus Awareness - Our Campus Tour for New Starters

Who is this course aimed at?

New Starters with our University

What is this course about?

Welcome to the Queensgate Campus Orientation and Estates Introduction course! This session is designed to guide new staff through our Queensgate Campus, ensuring you become familiar with its layout and key facilities. Additionally, you'll gain insights into the vital role of the Estates and Facilities team and how they support campus operations. This hands-on tour and informational session will provide you with the essential knowledge needed to navigate and utilise campus resources effectively. Please be aware that in the event of extreme bad weather, the session may be subject to last-minute cancellation for safety reasons.

Details of any pre-course/programme requirements

Please bring suitable and warm outdoor clothing as there will be a tour of the campus (The presentation is 30 minutes and the tour is 1 hour 30 minutes).


Here is what you can expect by attending this course:
  • Equip participants with the ability to confidently navigate and locate essential buildings and services within the Queensgate Campus.
  • The opportunity to be briefed on the current and proposed building developments at our University.
  • Understanding Estates and Facilities: Provide a comprehensive overview of the Estates and Facilities team, detailing their responsibilities and how they contribute to the smooth functioning of the campus.

Booking info:

There are currently no planned events for this course.

Courses with active waiting lists are given priority when scheduling new dates so, if this course is of interest, please add yourself to the waiting list by clicking "Book your place" above.

Please note, if you experience difficulty in connecting to the waiting list, please log into MyHR separately and then click "Book your place" again. You can also contact if you require further assistance.

Don't have access to MyHR?

If you do not have access to MyHR (i.e. you may be an Affiliate) please email confirming your full name, the name of the course you would like to attend (and date of course if applicable) and the School/Service that you work for.

Attendee Details


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