Reflections for Researchers

Who is this course aimed at?

Academic Staff
Researcher Only Staff
Early Career Researchers

What is this course about?

Self-reflection is a crucial personal quality for being an effective researcher. Taking time to reflect on yourself, your work, and your ongoing development can help you make sense of your experiences, prompt new thinking, and encourage action. Our ‘Reflections for Researchers’ sessions will provide space and time for individual reflection within a supportive group environment.

These sessions will be held monthly, allowing colleagues to book a single session or attend regularly to support their reflective practice. Each session will focus on a different ‘lens’ for reflection, with prompts provided as part of the ‘wraparound’ development support for our researcher development themes at Huddersfield.

Details of any pre-course/programme requirements
Please take a look at our 'RIKE guide to reflective practice for researchers' which is available to download from MyHR when you book onto the course.

PLEASE NOTE: this session will take place online (via Teams) - the link will be shared when you book your place. After booking your place, please make sure you add the details to your own calendar as this isn't done by the bookings system.


Here is what you can expect by attending this course:
  • Apply various reflective ‘lenses’ to enhance personal insights and prompt new thinking in research practice.
  • Develop skills to effectively engage in reflective practice individually and within a group setting.
  • Understand the importance of self-reflection in personal and professional development as a researcher.

Booking info:

26 February 2025 15:00 - 16:00 Places Remaining
26 March 2025 15:00 - 16:00 Places Remaining
23 April 2025 15:00 - 16:00 Places Remaining

You can book your place on one of the courses above or add yourself to the waiting list using the "Book your place" button above.

Please note, if you experience difficulty in connecting to the waiting list, please log into MyHR separately and then click "Book your place" again. You can also contact if you require further assistance.

Don't have access to MyHR?

If you do not have access to MyHR (i.e. you may be an Affiliate) please email confirming your full name, the name of the course you would like to attend (and date of course if applicable) and the School/Service that you work for.

Attendee Details


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