Academic Staff
Researcher Only Staff
Professional Services Staff
ECRs, RDMs, IAA team
What is this course about?
In this session, we’ll dive into pathways to impact focusing on planning your impact effectively, starting with why planning is essential and how to define your impact goals. We’ll introduce the logic model as a powerful tool to help you break down your research projects into outputs, users, outcomes, and impacts, allowing you to map a clear pathway to success and assess any potential gaps. Through stakeholder analysis and developing engagement plans, you’ll learn how to target the right audiences and create meaningful connections. The workshop following the presentation will help you apply these ideas directly to your work, creating a clear and actionable pathway to impact tailored to your research.
This session will consist of a presentation followed by a workshop. This session will be delivered twice - in person and online.
Details of any pre-course/programme requirements
If you attend this session, you will benefit from signing up and attending the subsequent sessions 3 and 4.
Here is what you can expect by attending this course:
Knowledge of how to use a logic model to map the outputs, users, outcomes, and impacts of their research.
Practical skills to identify and plan engagement activities for key audiences and a detailed, visualised pathway to impact and a customised impact plan for their specific research.
Skills to define clear impact goals and identify key stakeholders through analysis.
Booking info:
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