Impact Training Programme SPARK Workshop 7: Communicate with Impact

Who is this course aimed at?

Academic Staff
Researcher Only Staff
Postgraduate Researchers
Postgraduate Taught

What is this course about?

Communication is crucial in any career, but how do we ensure we leave an impression? Researchers discover how to ‘connect the dots’ between effective communications, successful funding applications, societal impact, and career progress. Learn impactful communication tools and techniques used in academia, business, and the dramatic arts. Practice communicating vividly about research and its purpose using storytelling and shared experiences without confusing jargon to connect with all types of audiences.

This workshop is delivered by external training provider, Skillfluence, funded by the University’s UKRI Impact Acceleration Account Programme.

About the facilitator(s)
Marie a professionally trained coach and having navigated learning and development roles at organisations like Deloitte, Teesside University, American Express, and News Limited, Marie is a seasoned expert in interpersonal skills development.

Committed to fostering personal and professional growth among postdoc researchers, Marie's sessions empower individuals with the skills needed to excel in both academic and commercial spheres. As an entrepreneur with skills in networking and partnership-building, Marie offers valuable tools and techniques to contribute to the development of a new generation of researchers capable of forging impactful collaborations within and beyond academia.

The training will take place via zoom so please allow time prior to the session to access the link provided when you book.

PLEASE NOTE: You may wish to note the session details and ZOOM LINK in your calendar as this is not automated. The zoom details are available to download ('Online Joining Instructions') when you book.

Booking info:

There are currently no planned events for this course, but you can add yourself to waiting list using the "Book your place" button above.

Don't have access to MyHR?

If you do not have access to MyHR (i.e. you may be an Affiliate) please email confirming your full name, the name of the course you would like to attend (and date of course if applicable) and the School/Service that you work for.

Attendee Details


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