Message From our Vice-Chancellor

Bob Cryan Welcome Rezised

Welcome to the People and Organisational Development webpages which have been designed to enable you to easily navigate through the learning and development opportunities that we offer.

The extensive opportunities presented on these webpages have been created to support and enhance your knowledge, skills and wellbeing. As you are no doubt aware, the Higher Education sector is facing yet more challenging times, and we have some ambitious targets in our 2025 Strategy Map. Our People and Organisational Development team is committed to assisting you to manage these challenges effectively and productively.

The team continues to provide a wide range of exciting initiatives to our Schools and Services, using a blended approach and fusion of online and classroom delivery. This includes a vast number of sessions, ranging from supporting your wellbeing to enhancing your digital skills; coaching and mentoring opportunities; resources to help new starters settle in to their role; online learning; or you may want to visit the talent hub to explore opportunities such as getting 360 feedback or to participating in development centres. Whatever your development needs are I’m sure there will be something for you.

In addition, we have a substantial management and leadership offering. This is based on a unique long-term partnership with the CMI, which has gained much recognition within the HE sector and beyond. We are driving an ambitious objective: 100% of our leaders and managers being awarded Chartered Manager status. We will be the only organisation in the world to achieve this.

Going forward, and as part of our innovative and progressive University, the People and Organisational Development team will continue to ensure their provision is at the forefront of the latest thinking.

I urge you to take advantage of the opportunities afforded to you. If you do not see the development opportunity you are looking for, then please contact the People and Organisational Development team.

Professor Bob Cryan CBE DL CMgr CCMI FREng

Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive

Outstanding Leadership and Management

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