Our Mission

“To help people achieve their full potential."


About the Team

We provide a people and organisational development provision across our University. We take time to understand your needs and tailor our services to suit you. Our immersive approach to development will ensure you’ll be both challenged and inspired to learn. On our webpages you’ll find useful guidance, information and resources relating to our extensive range of development opportunities.  

Our Principles

  • Alignment to our 2025 Strategy Map.
  • Ensuring our offerings are informed by the latest research, and at the forefront the latest thinking and best practice.
  • Adopting cutting-edge, blended learning techniques.
  • Learning from the best. Our development activities are co-created with subject matter experts.
  • Ensuring all staff have fair and equal access to development opportunities.
  • Being inclusive and customer focussed through a flexible delivery model designed to fit around the lives of our busy staff community.
  • Demonstrating tangible improvements by regularly measuring, reviewing and reporting on development activities.
  • Supporting staff to be great in their current roles, as well as helping them with their future career aspirations.
  • Taking a collaborative approach with all of our partners and customers.
  • We strive to continuously improve ourselves. Our development offerings will be regularly refreshed to remain up-to-date and reflective of our institutional needs.

Meet The Team

DB Headshot

Danny Benton

Head of People and Organisational Development

Email: d.benton@hud.ac.uk Phone. +44 1484 256628

Kevin Frost

Kevin Frost

Organisational Development Manager

Email: k.p.frost@hud.ac.uk Phone. +44 1484 258644

People and Organisational Development Administrative Assistant

Anna Gamble

People and Organisational Development Admin Assistant

Email: people@hud.ac.uk Phone. +44 1484 256754

HW Headshot

Helen Walker

Leadership Development Manager

Email: h.l.walker@hud.ac.uk Phone. +44 1484 256720

CM Headshot

Christian McGrath

People and Organisational Development Manager (C&M Lead)

Email: c.mcgrath2@hud.ac.uk Phone. +44 1484 256722. My Schools and Services - Arts & Human; Business, Education and Law; CLS; Student Services; RIKE; Marketing and the SU.

HC Headshot

Helen Connor

People and Organisational Development Manager (Programme Lead)

Email: h.connor@hud.ac.uk Phone. +44 1484 256629. My Schools and Services - Comp & Eng; Applied Sciences; HHS; International Office; Estates and Facilities; Finance and Registry.

Work with Us

We believe we can all learn from each other. If you have an idea that you would like to explore, please get in touch and let’s have a chat about it!

Bespoke Services and Away Days

How you involve us is up to you and we are happy to support you and your team where possible. It is really helpful if you can contact us as soon as possible to discuss your ideas and needs. Whilst we endeavour to work with shorter timescales, to allow sufficient time for planning and design work we usually need 10 weeks notice. 

People and Organisational Development Champions Group

All Schools and Services have P&OD champions who work with us to ensure our development offering has the right focus, content and is delivered in an appropriate way. They also communicate learning opportunities with colleagues in their School or Service. Please contact us if you would like to know more.


Customer Service Excellence

We aim to respond to all questions and queries within two working days. If you have a development need we do not currently provide support for, or if you would like to discuss your development options, please get in contact. 



Question? Please get in touch ...

If you would like to know more, or if you have any suggestions or ideas of what we could include in our development offering, please contact us through MS Teams, email: people@hud.ac.uk or 01484 47 (2799).

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