These pages are intended to provide information on the full range of services that Telephone Services currently offer. New members of University staff are advised to refer to the Telephone System User guide for an overview of the telephone system and how to get the most from it.
Requests or queries regarding any of our services should be directed to the Telephone Services team. The contact details can be found under the Who To Contact link on the left-side of the page.
Telephone Services Quick Links:
Under the Contacts link, you will find information on our Online Contacts Directory for staff and how to request changes and updates to it. Also there is information on how to use the new 118 directory enquiries plus details on BT's online residential phonebook.
Under the Digital Communications link, you will find information on how to use your phone's voicemail and the unified messaging systems, how to use the video conferencing facilities at the University and how to utilise our Microsoft Lync & audio conferencing features.
Under the Telephones link, you will find information on the 2 different handsets we use at the University, how to move your phone extension and new handsets, how to utilise the text messaging system along with helpful handset user guides.
See more on contacts.
Digital Communications
See more on digital communications.
See more on telephones.
Request update to the university directory
Please click the following link Contacts Directory and select the Update Contacts Directory form.