Our Aim

To develop a culture in which coaching and mentoring will help preserve and strengthen our capacity for knowledge sharing, enterprise, innovation, individual empowerment, open communication, decision-making, resilience and the flexibility to deal with change. Please watch this short video from our Deputy Vice-Chancellor, outlining the importance of developing a coaching culture at our University.

What does a coach do?

A coach’s role at our University is to support staff with specific work challenges. The coach supports the development of the staff member by asking the right questions and assisting them to uncover their own knowledge and skills and change their behaviours. Coaches encourage coachees to deliver a stronger work performance. A coach believes that the coachee has all the tools and resources available within them to work towards their goals. 


Our internal coaching pool

Working in partnership with University of Leeds we are working towards expanding our pool of professionally qualified (CMI Level 5) workplace coaches. Our coaching and mentoring lead Christian helps to match coaches and coachees. If you are interested in becoming a qualified coach through our internal programme - please contact Christian if you would like to know His details are at the bottom of this page. If you are looking for a mentor or a coach, please complete the this form. 

"Coaching has enabled me to really take charge of my decision making, I am more confident in my ability and feel more prepared for challenges that I might come across. It has helped me understand that I am capable and I can be confident in my abilities." - Feedback from a coachee on the impact coaching has had for them.


Interested in becoming a mentor?

If you have an array of knowledge and experience, why not pass it on to the next generation? If you haven’t been a mentor before but are interested in becoming one, watch this LinkedIn Learning session on Mentoring Others.

We are looking for “experienced” colleagues from around our University to become mentors. We match mentors and mentees - please complete this form if you would like to become a mentor, or get in touch if you would like to know more.



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Our Programmes and Support


Professional Coaching Programme (CMI Level 5)

Aimed at staff who want to become a qualified workplace coach and rewarding participants with a CMI Level 5 qualification.


Want a coach or mentor?

Support over several coaching sessions can help staff dealing with change to make plans for the way ahead.

Please register your interest by clicking below, and we will get back to you shortly.

Learning, Information and Resources

Below you can find a range of learning opportunities, useful information and resources to help you in your role.


Useful Coaching and Mentoring Websites

If you would like to browse Coaching and Mentoring related websites, please click on the see more button below ...

Quick Guide to Mentoring, Coaching or a Buddy ...

Quick Guide to Mentoring, Coaching or a Buddy ...

Want a Coach or Mentor?

Please complete the Coaching and Mentoring Request Form by clicking the see more button below ...

The 5 Stages of How Coaching Works

If you would like to watch a short video explaining how coaching works, please click on the see more button below ...

How Mentoring Works

If you would like to watch a short video explaining how to be an effective mentor, please click on the see more button below ...

Coaching and Mentoring Ted Talks

 If you would like to watch coaching and mentoring Ted Talks, please click on the see more button below ... 

Interested? Please get in Contact …

If you would like to know more about finding a mentor or coach, or if you are interested in becoming a coach or mentor, please contact our coaching and mentoring lead, Christian McGrath: through MS Teams, email c.mcgrath2@hud.ac.uk.

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