University PowerPoint template

University of Huddersfield Powerpoint presentations – instructions for use

To use to build new presentations:

When you open the .pptx file attached you’ll see there are 2 slides on the left hand side. If you go to ‘Format – Slide Design’ a full set of slide options will appear on the right hand side panel. These slide options can be inserted as master slides, specific slides or all slides so easy to mix and match the various designs as required.
If you then click on Format – Slide Layout there are various options for changing the slide to have bullet points, insert images etc.

To use for existing presentations:

Save the .pot file attached to your desktop or appropriate folder. Open the existing presentation.
Click on Format – Slide design. On the bottom right hand side panel there will be an option to click on ‘Browse’ – find the .pptx file from where you’ve saved it and agree to copy the master slides into your presentation. You can then apply the required new slide design in to your existing presentation.


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Undergraduate recruitment presentations

We have PowerPoint templates specifically developed for undergraduate recruitment such as outreach, Open Days and AVDs. Please contact your School Marketing Office for this template.