
The University Timetable & Teaching Space Management team is responsible for producing and developing the University academic timetable. 

Working throughout the year meeting with all school timetable staff and our own space data we design the timetable to accomodate the different needs of the schools and make best use and utilisation of the estate.

We have over 380 rooms  on the timetable consisting of teaching, meeting and space used for events.


The University of Huddersfield Timetable and Room Booking Policy. 

Click Here to download (pdf format) Timetable and Room Booking Policy


The University of Huddersfield Freedom of Speech Code of Practice.

Click Here to download (Adobe PDF format) Freedom of Speech Code of Practice

Timetable Process

See more about the Timetabling Process.

Room Booking

I work in a school how do I book a space?

Key Dates

See Key Dates.