Managing and Improving Performance

There are currently 11 courses available

The Personal Development and Performance Review (PDPR)

The Personal Development and Performance Review (PDPR) is designed to be a transparent mechanism for setting objectives, identifying development needs, reviewing work progress, and embedding our values.

The PDPR provides an opportunity for staff to stand back from their day-to-day activities and discuss what they feel to be their main achievements over the last 12 months, their performance and career aspirations in general, and to make plans for the year ahead and beyond.


The PDPR Process, Guidelines and FAQs

If you wish to know more detail about the academic or professional and technical services PDPRs, further information can be found on the links below:

In addition, the videos below take you through the full PDPR process.

J-Learning Communities

The PDPR Process and Good Practice ...


The Professional and Technical Services PDPR

If you would like to watch this step-by-step video about the Professional and Technical Services PDPR process, and how to get the most from it, please click on the watch here button below ...


Academic PDPR

If you would like to watch this step-by-step video about the Academic PDPR process, and how to get the most from it, please click on the watch here button below ...



To listen to Christian and Helen's PDPR Do's and Dont's, please click on the see more button below ...

The Talent Hub

Our University relies on the expertise and dedication of our staff to deliver high-quality education and research. Therefore talent development can help Schools, Services and staff enhance our teaching, research, and administrative skills, ultimately contributing to academic excellence and an enhanced student experience.

In the Talent Hub you can find our popular talent development opportunities, frameworks and resources. This includes the Huddersfield Leader, the Talent Conversation Tool or you may want to explore opportunities such as getting 360 feedback or participating in Development Centres.

How does the online PDPR system work?

People managers will be able to access the PDPRs for their staff from within iTrent (the system used to approve annual leave and record sickness) and staff would access their PDPR sections via MyHR (the system used to view payslips and book annual leave). The videos below help you to navigate the PDPR system, although we hope the system is easily understood. 

If you wish to know more detail, further information can be found on the MyHR webpage, the MyHR userguide or People Manager (iTrent) userguide.


This video demonstrates the process that you should follow to attach a PDPR life cycle to your reportees in iTrent.  This is the first step of the PDPR process and should be done to start the process.



This video details the steps you should take to complete your objective and PDPR form via MyHR.


E-Learning: PDPRs and 1-2-1's

You can access your Learn-Upon account using your University email address and password. 

PDPR - LinkedIn Learning

If you would like to explore our PDPR-related LinkedIn Learning collections, please click on the see more button.

PDPR - Good Practice

Check out these good practice, questions to use during the PDPR meeting, please click on the see more button.



Questions? Please get in touch …

If you are uncertain about any areas of the PDPR process, you should discuss this with your line manager in the first place. You can also contact a member of the Human Resources team for further support.

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