Monthly Menopause Peer Support Group

The Staff Wellbeing Team hosts a monthly Menopause Talk and Support session for staff.

Peer support is a vitally important and helpful way of supporting people through the menopause.

These menopause peer support sessions aim to provide a forum to talk about the menopause (and perimenopause), to share experiences, ideas, tips – and most importantly – to know that you are not alone!

Our upcoming Menopause Talk and Support Session for 2024 will be as follows: 

  • Tues 28th May -12:15 - 13:00 - Online
  • Thurs 27th June - 14:30 - 15:15 - Online
  • Wed 31st July - 12:15 - 13:00 - In person on campus

You can sign up to the email distribution list and the Microsoft Teams Support Group here.

The University is committed to supporting staff who are experiencing symptoms of the menopause, which is why we signed up to the Menopause Workplace Pledge


What our group members say about Talk & Support ...

'It’s lovely to meet like minded people having the same life issues as me.  It’s good to talk to people who listen and can offer advice and suggestions from their own experiences. I’ve learned lots and ironed out a lot of my menopause symptoms from following advice and suggestions from this group of marvellous women'


'The Menopause Group is a safe, welcoming and friendly space where I have been able to listen to, talk to, and learn from people with shared experiences and understanding.   Many people in the group are happy to share their experience and knowledge, but you don’t have to.  In the last meeting, I had a lightbulb moment!  I thought I knew what the symptoms of menopause were but was completely surprised to learn that tinnitus can be a symptom.  I had a hysterectomy 6 years ago and started with tinnitus about a year later.  It might not be linked but it is a coincidence that I’m going to explore.  If it hadn’t been for someone else sharing their experiences, I would never have known!'

Did you know we also have a staff menopause support Teams group?

It's a great place to share tips, get advice, and simply connect with others that are also going through the menopause or perimenopause.

Just pop an email to requesting to be added to the group and we'll add you in! It would be lovely to have you. 


In need of further information or support for the menopause?

You can also visit the menopause section of our health and wellbeing support webpage for further sources of support and information.