Regular Wellbeing Groups

To join any of these groups or for more information, see our Regular Initiatives Page 

Menopause Talk and Support

The next meeting will be on Tuesday 28th May 12:15 - 13:00 online via Teams. If you would like to join us, email

Returning Parents Group

Join our network of parents with little ones. We have a Microsoft Teams group for peer support.

Staff Book Club

The book club is taking a break at the moment. Visit the Book Club webpage (in 'Regular Wellbeing Initiatives' below) to sign up to keep updated.

Staff Choir

We rehearse on Thursday during term time on campus 12:15 - 13:00. We have now broken up for summer and the choir will return in September.


Confidential Wellbeing Support for Staff

Find out more about our confidential service for staff wellbeing support. (This is a free service available for ALL staff).


Regular Wellbeing Initiatives

Find out more about the wellbeing groups and events that take place on a regular basis.


Wellbeing Information & Resources

Here you can find a range of health and wellbeing support on a wide variety of topics such as Stess, Anxiety, Bereavement, Healthy Eating etc..


Cost of Living Support

Here you can find sources of information and support for cost of living


Staff Wellbeing Monthly Newsletter

Click to view the latest (and previous) issues of our monthly wellbeing newsletter - packed full of useful tips and helpful info.


Staff Wellbeing Blog

Click to see the latest news and blog posts from staff wellbeing


Mental Health First Aiders

Information on the Mental Health First Aid Network 

Our Space

We are based on level 9 in the Schwann Building. When you come out of the lift turn right towards Occupational Health. Once you go through the Occupational Health door, we are the first door immediately on your left (SB9/07a). 

We use our staff wellbeing room as the venue for most of our regular in person events, such as the book club and the menopause support group. 

We also have a selection of 'wellbeing books' available for you to borrow from our wellbeing library. Feel free to pop up and have a browse.