Staff Wellbeing and Benefits Fair 2024
This year, the fair was held on Wednesday 22nd May in the Community Hall in the Jo Cox More in Common Centre between 11am and 2pm.
On Wednesday 22nd May 2024, we hosted our annual Staff Wellbeing and Benefits Fair for all staff here at the University. The event took place in the Community Hall in the Jo Cox More in Common Centre from 11am to 2pm.
It was a drop in event with various stalls and activities for staff to get involved in. We had both internal and external stall holders including People and Organisational Development, Active Hud, Kirklees Wellness Service, Kirklees Volunteering, the University Library, University Valli Opticians and many more.
It was a great success and there was a lovely social and supportive atmosphere on the day. And as always, the guide dog puppies were the star attraction!
Some lucky staff also received a mini hand and arm or foot and lower leg massage.
Prize winners of the wellbeing hampers were Liz Brennand from Applied Sciences and Rebecca Hollingdale from Computing and Library Services.
Active Hud
ActiveHud is the gym and sport offering from the University of Huddersfield, working in partnership with Kirklees Active Leisure. Come and find out about membership options and our free active wellbeing classes for staff.
AVC Wise
AVC Wise provide a salary sacrifice Additional Voluntary Contribution ( AVC) scheme for members of the West Yorkshire Pension Fund, which enables individuals to save even more into their pension. They also provide basic financial guidance for individuals around tax, pensions and lifestyle savings.
Buddhist Centre (Vajrapani Kadampa Meditation Centre)
Vajrapani Kadampa Meditation Centre in Huddersfield welcomes anybody, non-Buddhist or Buddhist, who wishes to develop greater inner peace through meditation and Buddha’s teachings. We will be providing information on our meditation classes and specialist events at the centre.
Carers Count
If you give time and energy to look after a family member or friend in Kirklees, Carers Count are there to provide help and support. Anne Marie and Louise will be available to provide information on the support they can provide and how to access this.
Change, Live Grow Kirklees
CLG Kirklees are a free and confidential drug and alcohol service for Adults who live anywhere in Kirklees. If you have concerns about your own drug or alcohol use, or someone else's, they will support you. Come and chat about the support they can provide.
Chaplaincy at the University
Our team of Faith Advisers and Chaplains are based in the Jo Cox More in Common Centre. The Muslim Chaplain and The Anglican Chaplain will be available to discuss the facilities and events at the centre.
At Costco, you’ll find everything from groceries and electronics to clothing and cleaning supplies - all in one warehouse. We’re able to bring you such great values because of our enormous buying power, and you get to enjoy the convenience of one-stop shopping.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at the University
Come and find out about our staff networks (Women's Network, LGBTQ+ Network, Black Asian and Minority Ethnic Network and Disability Network) and our initiatives to maintain a culture of diversity and inclusivity.
Halfords are all about the journey. With more than 700 stores with over 10,000 colleagues, we're the UK's leading retailer of automotive and cycling products. Come and chat to them about the Cycle2Work scheme on offer to staff at the University.
Health Shield is dedicated to helping keep employees and businesses in the best of health, with a range of innovative health and wellbeing solutions. They provide affordable, everyday employee health benefit solutions.
Kirklees Befriending Service
Come and chat to Kirklees Befriending Service about volunteering as a befriender. They work with clients diagnosed with mild to moderate mental health issues who need support to build confidence in accessing the community and meeting others.
Kirklees Wellness Service
Our service aim is for people living healthier, happier lives and feeling more able to look after themselves. We support adults 18 years+ on a one-to-one basis to develop personally tailored health and wellbeing goals. Wellness Coaches work with people using motivational interviewing and health coaching techniques to refine goals and plan change.
Occupational Health Department
The purpose of the University's Occupational Health service is to provide a professional, effective and efficient resource which is proactive in the promotion of the health and well-being of physical and mental health of staff and students in relation to their work or studies.
Parent Sanctuary
Parent Sanctuary are a local social enterprise for parents, focusing on building mental and physical health through nature. Come and find out about the activities and sessions they offer in the local area.
People and Organisational Development (POD)
Christian and Helen can’t wait to see you all at the Wellbeing Fair, where they will be yapping about all things poo related Come along and have your poo-scription for a fabulous gut filled by Dr McGrath and Dr Connor. And if rating your poo wasn’t exciting enough, then you can also assess how mentally strong you are, by completing a self-assessment. You might need to after all that poo talk. How exciting! (PS we are not real doctors!).
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)
Nature is in big trouble, but RSPB have got big plans to save it. Come and talk to them about their ambitious plans and targets - working together with you and their partners to collectively change the fate of nature.
Sustainability at the University
The Sustainability Team will be offering short tours of the More in Common Centre to explain how the WELL Standard is incorporated into the building. They will have a live meter reading of the air quality in the building, a PowerPoint presentation and informational boards of the key elements of The WELL Standard in the More in Common Centre (and of the new Daphne Steele Building). They will also be offering a ‘pot a plant’ activity for attendees to take a plant home to keep on their desks to improve wellbeing and to embrace the biophilic elements of the WELL Standard.
UNISON is the UK’s largest union, serving more than 1.3 million members. We represent full-time and part-time staff who provide public services, although they may be employed in both the public and private sectors.
University and College Union
The University and College Union (UCU) represents over 120,000 academics, lecturers, trainers, instructors, researchers, managers, administrators, computer staff, librarians, technicians, professional staff and postgraduates in universities, colleges, prisons, adult education and training organisations across the UK.
University of Huddersfield Library
University of Huddersfield's Library holds over 330,000 book and journal items, and provides access to around 750,000 electronic resources. Come and find out about their resources for staff including leisure reading, reading well collection and music available for relaxing
University Valli Opticians
Valli is the University's onsite optician. Come and find out about how to access a free sight test, and their discounts on spectacles and contact lenses for staff.
Volunteering Kirklees (TSL Kirklees)
TSL Kirklees is the Volunteer Centre for Kirklees – find out about the wide range of volunteering on offer, whether you want to volunteer for a day or on a regular basis, from practical tasks such as gardening through to sharing your skills as a Charity Trustee . Volunteering offers the feelgood factor and can also improve your own physical and mental wellbeing. Come and have a chat and find out about the huge range of charities and community groups making a difference in the local community