Staff Wellbeing and Benefits Fair

Staff Wellbeing and Benefits Fair 2024

This year, the fair was held on Wednesday 22nd May in the Community Hall in the Jo Cox More in Common Centre between 11am and 2pm.

On Wednesday 22nd May 2024, we hosted our annual Staff Wellbeing and Benefits Fair for all staff here at the University. The event took place in the Community Hall in the Jo Cox More in Common Centre from 11am to 2pm.

It was a drop in event with various stalls and activities for staff to get involved in. We had both internal and external stall holders including People and Organisational Development, Active Hud, Kirklees Wellness Service, Kirklees Volunteering, the University Library, University Valli Opticians and many more. 

It was a great success and there was a lovely social and supportive atmosphere on the day.  And as always, the guide dog puppies were the star attraction!

Some lucky staff also received a mini hand and arm or foot and lower leg massage.  

Prize winners of the wellbeing hampers were Liz Brennand from Applied Sciences and Rebecca Hollingdale from Computing and Library Services.