Computing services for staff
See more on emails.
See more on UniDesktop.
See more on UniTube.
Campus WiFi
See more on Campus WiFi.
File Storage
See more on file storage.
Working on your own device
See more on working on your own device.
Staff Hub
See more on Staff Hub.
See more on purchasing.
Digital Skills & Training
Click for more information about Digitals Skills & Training for University Staff
Computing and IT policy and regulations
See more on computing and IT policy and regulations.
UniDesktop for Staff
UniDesktop is a service that enables you to use a range of University software on your own desktop, laptop or tablet device either while you are away from the University, or using the wireless network on campus.
First time using Unidesktop? Download the quick guide for Windows - Unidesktop install
Instructions for other devices here:
Use the app for the best UniDesktop service.
Use the web version if you cannot install software onto the pc you are using.
Unitube video-streaming service
UniTube is the University's video streaming and lecture capture service. It has many useful educational videos already uploaded to it, including free-to-air TV programs and films and videos created by other members of staff. You can easily add your own content. Students can access content from UniTube directly, or through links that you embed in UniLearn.
UniTube is at
Television recordings
The off-air recording service is based in the Library. Details of how to request, or schedule your own recordings are on the Library's pages.
Video clips
Record your own video clips, and upload them to UniTube. You can control who can view them - just within the University, or the rest of the world. Your school Learning Technology Advisor can show you how.
Recordings of lectures
Many lecture rooms are fitted with a lecture capture system. Sound is recorded, visual display from the room's data projector is recorded, and some rooms have a camera as well. Visit to learn more, or ask your School's LTA..
Link to UniLearn
You can make links in UniLearn to content in UniTube, allowing students easy access material appropriate for their modules. Visit Visit to learn more, or ask your School's LTA.
How do I find what's there?
Go to the website and search to see what's there!
Staff Hub
The Staff Hub provides a single place where University staff can access systems such as Unilearn, access University networks and software, and read emails. You will find the latest news, events, topical polls, staff development opportunities and a message board where you can sell or give away items. You can connect and share ideas with your colleagues with our Staff Discussion Board and access the University’s online community, the Social Media Hub. In short, there’s pretty much everything that you’ll need, all in one place.
The Staff Hub is the main source of central staff information, including everything from the latest staff news to useful links to information. To ensure that you don’t miss out on useful information most staff computers are automatically set up to have the Staff Hub as the default homepage when you log in.
The Online systems tab provides links to email, My Students, Summon, timetables, Brightspace, Unishare and Wisdom.
If you are on the campus wireless network or off-campus, you'll be asked for your login name and password.
To make full use of all the features on the online tab, you must complete the registration details. You will need to register only once each year. Just enter your usual University username and password - the same ones you use when you log into a campus PC.
Once you have registered, the links on the online tab will give you access to university resources, wherever you are.
For more information about the Staff Hub, there is an introduction video
AV Services
See more on AV services.
Your University computer
See more on your university computer.
Affiliates - University Privileges
See more on affiliates - university privileges.
Systems availability
See more on systems availability.
Contact us
See more on contacting us.
Digital Workplace
See more on digital workplace.
Information security
See more on information security.
Intune for Mobile Devices
See more for mobile devices.
How to obtain University Affiliate Membership
The Affiliates Procedure is designed to give the appropriate privileges to those who do not have a student or employment contract with the University but who have a relationship with it and need access to systems and services for that purpose.
Guidance Notes
Terms and Conditions
Please note that anyone applying for Affiliate status must agree to abide by the University’s Terms and Conditions, which include the Computing Regulations, the Information Security Policy, the Data Protection Policy and the Freedom of Speech and External Speakers Policy.
Contact us
IT support is the first point of contact for all your University-related IT problems.
Email -
Phone – 01484 473737
Teams Call – IT Support AA
We're based in the Library, at the Library and Computing Help Desk level 4 of the Central Services Building, where we'll be pleased to see you. We're available from 8am through to 5.30pm, Monday to Friday.
Let us know what you think about our service
In Computing and Library Services we are committed to providing you with excellent service, and we invite your feedback to help us to improve what we do.
We recognise, however, that sometimes we may not always provide the high level of service that we promise.
If you would like to take up any matter you think is unsatisfactory about the service you have received from us, please refer to our simple-to-use CLS Complaints Procedure (which is also available as a Flowchart).
We promise that we will deal with your complaint as quickly as possible, in confidence, keep you updated, and look at the pattern of complaints to identify areas where we need to improve.
Not satisfied with our response?
If you are not satisfied with how we have dealt with your feedback, please contact our Head of Customer Services, Lorraine Noel.
Information security
Setting a password in Word
Instructions on how to set a password in Word
Setting a password in Excel
Instructions on how to set a password in Excel
Setting a password in Powerpoint
Instructions on how to set a password in Powerpoint
Information classification levels
Information classification levels
Intune - Mobile Device Management Project
In line with the increasing demand for mobile accessible services and in response to growing cyber security requirements, UoH is implementing Microsoft Intune for Mobile Device Management (MDM).
Microsoft Intune is a cloud-based enterprise mobility management service that aims to help workforces manage their mobile devices including Laptops, Tablets and Mobile phones. When devices are enrolled into the Intune platform applications can be deployed, profiles and policies can be configured to make sure devices comply with the Universities Enterprise Mobility Strategy and by applying the correct Security and Encryption configuration as guided by the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC).
Microsoft Intune will help provide the University with a secure device and application management suite, which will allow Staff and Students secure access to their data so they can stay productive, whilst keeping their University data protected at all times.
- Microsoft Intune improves security on mobile devices, data and applications.
- Works to secure Windows, Android and iOS devices from one unified mobile solution.
- Integrates Microsoft Defender for Endpoint with Microsoft Intune as a Mobile Threat Defence solution.
- Allows deployment of group policy objects to non-ad bound devices (i.e. cloud based) so mobile devices can share the same user experience as onsite (wired) Desktop devices.
- Microsoft Intune is an integral part of the Enterprise mobility strategy, which will allow us to enable, monitor, and protect our mobile device estate.
For further technical information please see the Intune section on Microsoft’s website
Before we can start the Project we must first clean up or current Intune environment by removing all of the un-used devices.
When a device is removed from Intune the user assigned to that device will get the following pop-up notification:
What this message means is that the device has been removed from Intune (workplace account) and that corporate information and any apps that are delivered to the device will be removed.
As there are no Apps or Policies delivered to the device from Intune the device will function as normal. This will not affect any locally installed or data stored on the device.